My family-file

Name List

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Key: S=as a Spouse, C=as a Child, P=as a Parent




  AnnaC born 1697
  AnnaC,C,P,P,P born Cir 1675
  AnnaS,C,C,P,P,P born Cir 1672 died Cir 1700
  AnnaC born 1804
  AnnaC born 1811 died 1812
  AnnaC born 1814
  AnnaS,C born 1726 died 1752
  AnnaC born 2. may 1836
  AnnaC born 1721
  AnnaC born 1848
  AnnaS,S,C,C,P,P born 1722 died 1763
  AnnaC,P,P,P born 1690 died 1747
  AnnaC,P born 1672 died 1753
  AnnaS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P born 1752 died 5. jul 1818
  AnnaC,C,P born Cir 1635
  AnnaS,C,C,P,P born 1768 died 13. jul 1843
  AnnaC,C,P,P born 1737 died 28. jun 1827
  AnnaC born 1748 died 1816
  AnnaC born 1766 died 1836
  AnnaC born 1739
  AnnaS,P,P born Cir 1750 died Cir 1778
  AnnaS,C,C,P,P born 1770 died 1834
  AnnaC born 1765 died 1765
  AnnaC born Cir 1632
  AnnaS,S,S,C,C,C born 1798
  AnnaC born 1792 died 1792
  AnnaC born 1749
  AnnaC,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1692
  AnnaC,C born 1750 died 1824
  AnnaC born Cir 1685
  Anna CathrinaC born 1740
  Anna Christine JohanneC,P born 5. jun 1845 died 22. nov 1929
  Anna D. EldsteC,C born 1768 died 1845
  Anna d.e.C born 1704 died 1786
  Anna d.e.C,C born 1779 died 1853
  Anna d.e.C born 1689
  Anna d.e.C born 1742
  Anna d.y.C,P born 1701 died 1767
  Anna d.y.C born 1715 died 1792
  Anna d.y.C,C,P born 1763 died 1826
  Anna d.y.S,C,C,C,P,P born 1786 died 1878
  Anna d.y.C born 1748
  Anna GuneliaC,C,P born 21. oct 1885 died 1947
  Anna JohannaC born 10. jun 1890 died 2. jul 1990
  Anna KarinaC born 3. jun 1875
  Anna KatrineP,P born 1626
  Anna KirstinaS,S,C,C born 1719 died 1741
  Anna KristinaC born 1851 died 1851
  Anna KristinaC born 1854
  Anna MargarethaC born 1744
  Anna MargretheP born 30. aug 1864 died 1942
  Anna MariaC born 1798 died 1798
  Anna MariaC born 1724
  Anna MariaC born 1816
  Anna MariaC,C born 1798
  Anna MariaS,C,C,C born 1763 died 13. may 1825
  Anna SerinaS,C born 1815 died 3. may 1882
  Anna SevrinaC born 19. feb 1834
  Anna SofieC born 2. jan 1848
  Anna SofieC,C,P,P born 3. aug 1831 died 2. jul 1911
  Anna SophiaC born 7. jan 1844
  AnnbjørgC born 1684
  AnneS,C,C,P,P born 1753 died 1811
  AnneP born 1694 died 1751
  AnneS,P,P,P born 1719 died 15. apr 1769
  AnneC born 1781
  AnneS born 1715 died 17. jul 1773
  AnneP,P born 1803 died 5. jun 1877
  AnneC born Cir 1662
  AnneC born 1711
  AnneC born 1728
  AnneS,C,P,P born 1697 died 21. jan 1788
  AnneS,S,C,C,C born 1753 died 24. nov 1811
  AnneS,C born 1778 died 8. feb 1818
  AnneC born Cir 1725
  AnneC born 1710
  AnneS,S,S,C,C,C born 2. dec 1824 died 9. sep 1863
  AnneC,C,P born 1667 died 1749
  AnneC born 1801 died 22. jan 1844
  AnneC,C,P born 1575 died 1612
  AnneC born 1706 died 1706
  Anne BerteC born 1815 died 4. may 1877
  Anne BerteC born 1798
  Anne BirtheC,C,P,P born 3. apr 1839 died 29. nov 1874
  Anne ChristineC born 28. mar 1837
  Anne d.e.S,C,C,P born 26. nov 1835
  Anne d.y.C born 17. apr 1841
  Anne GuriaC born 1775 died 1775
  Anne KristineP born 13. sep 1873 died 2. dec 1951
  Anne LisbethC born 10. jan 1838 died 21. jan 1838
  Anne MagretheC,C born 6. dec 1832 died 23. jan 1883
  Anne MariaC,P born 1777
  Anne MartheC,C,P born 1785 died 26. jun 1848
  AnnicheS,S,S,C,C,C,P born 1690 died 1757
  AnnikenC,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1745 died 2. feb 1830
  ApeloneC born 1752
  ApeloneC,P,P born 1733 died 15. nov 1816
  AsgjerdS born Cir 1750
  AskierC born 1791
  AslaugC,C,P born 1706
  AslaugS,S,S,S,S,C,C,C born 1689 died 1766
  AslougC born 1726
  AslougS,C,C,P born Cir 1664 died 1700
  AslougS,S,C,C,C,P born 1715 died 1786
  AslougC born 12. nov 1830
  AstriC,P,P,P born 1686 died 1775
  AstriC,P,P born 1664
  AstridC,C,P,P,P born 1719
  AstridS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P born 1717 died 1771
  AstridS,C,C,P born 1804 died 3. apr 1870
  AstridC,C born 1765 died 17. nov 1835
  AstridS,C,C,P,P born 1763 died 1849
  AstridC,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born Cir 1675 died Cir 1715
  AstridC born Cir 1650
  AstridS,S,C,C born 1721 died 1804
  AstridC,C,P,P born Cir 1658 died 1718
  AstridC born 1721
  BarbaraC born 1797
  BarbaraC,C,P born 1782 died 29. apr 1854
  BarbaraC,C,P,P born Cir 1650
  BarbaraC born 1745
  BarbraC born 1739
  BarbraS,S,C died 1749
  BarbroC born 1799 died 1799
  BarbroC born 1759
  BarbroC born 21. mar 1818 died 8. jan 1836
  BarbroS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1790 died 10. jun 1847
  BarbroC born 1729
  BarbroS,S,C,C born 6. mar 1833 died 17. jan 1894
  BarbroC born 1748 died 1749
  BarbroC born 1745 died 1750
  BarbroC born 1753
  BarbroS,S,C,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born Cir 1630 died 1709
  BarbroC,P,P born Cir 1550
  BarbroS,S,S,C,C died 1751
  BarbroC born 1789
  BarbroS,S,C,C,C born 1711 died 1767
  BarbroS,C,C born 1813 died 1897
  BarbroS,S,C,C,P,P,P died 1741
  BarbroC born 1813 died 12. sep 1891
  BarbroC born 1763 died 1771
  BarbroS,C,C,P born 1712 died Bef 1801
  BeggaS,C,C born 1687 died 1727
  BeretC born Cir 1700
  BeretaC born 1723
  BeretaC born Cir 1639 died Bef 1675
  BeretaC born 1716 died 1748
  BeretaC born 1682
  BeretaC born 1763
  BeretaC born 1770
  BereteC born 1725
  BereteC born Cir 1678
  BereteC,C,P,P,P,P,P born Cir 1590
  BereteC born 1679
  BeretteC born 1670
  BeretteC born 1677
  BeretteC born 1665
  BeretteC born 1670
  BergitC,C,P born 1731
  BergithC born 1775
  BeritC,C,P,P born 1744
  BeritC born Cir 1692 died 1747
  BeritS,C,P,P,P,P,P,P born Cir 1600
  BeritC born 1697
  BeritS,S,C,C,P,P born 1696 died Cir 1745
  BeritS,C,C,P,P,P born 1738 died 25. jun 1822
  BeritS,S,S,C,C,C born Cir 1667 died 1736
  BeritC,C,P,P born Cir 1670 died 1741
  BeritC born 1680 died 1680
  Berit d.y.C,C,P,P,P born 1705 died 1773
  BeritaS,C,C,P,P,P born 1704 died 1792
  BerittaC born 1724
  BeritteC born 1687
  BeritteC born 1684
  BerreteC born 1756 died 1756
  BertaC born 1751
  BertaC born 15. jan 1822
  BertaC born 1827
  BertaC,P born 1795
  BertaC born 1765 died 10. jan 1842
  BertaC,C,P born 28. jan 1850 died 1939
  BertaC born 1787
  BertaS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1741 died 1776
  BertaC born 1751
  BertaC,C,P,P,P,P born 1700 died 1755
  BertaC born 1777 died 1778
  BertaC,C,P,P born 1739 died 1813
  BertaS,C,C,P,P born 1757 died 27. jul 1841
  BertaC born Cir 1678
  BertaC,P,P born Cir 1742 died 24. may 1838
  BertaP born 1676
  BertaC born Cir 1700
  BertaC born 1810
  BertaS,S,C,C,P,P,P,P born Cir 1670 died 1733
  BertaC,P born Cir 1672 died 1754
  BertaC born 1770
  BertaS,C,C born 1774 died 1807
  BertaC born 1766 died 1766
  Berta JohannaC born 1793
  Berta JorinaC,C,P born 1813 died 1890
  Berta KarinaS,C,C,P born 18. jun 1850 died 16. jul 1939
  Berta KarinaC born 14. apr 1816
  Berta MariaC born 22. dec 1817 died 10. oct 1880
  Berta SerinaS,C born 1. jul 1838 died 3. dec 1879
  BerteS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P born 1743 died 1789
  BerteC,C,P born Cir 1673 died Bef 1742
  BerteC,C born 1708 died 1760
  BerteC born 1761
  BerteC,C,P born Cir 1670 died 1727
  Berte LorenzeC,C born 9. mar 1823
  Berte MarieC born 3. sep 1789
  Berte MarieC born 1774
  BerthaS,C,C,P,P born 11. apr 1868 died 1918
  BerthaC born 11. aug 1853
  BerthaS,C,C,P born 22. jan 1826 died Cir 1892
  BerthaC,C,P,P,P born 1807 died 26. jan 1886
  BerthaS,C,C,P,P born 1813 died 25. jan 1877
  BertheP born 1706 died 1786
  BertheC born 1739 died 1766
  BertheP,P born Cir 1690
  BertheC born Cir 1740
  BertheC born 1751
  BertheC born 1763 died 1785
  BertheC,P,P born 1723 died 1773
  BertheC,C born 1810 died 1. aug 1857
  BertheC born 1808 died 1809
  BertheC,C,P,P born 1747 died 27. dec 1830
  BertheC,C born 1824
  BertheS,C,C born 1763
  BertheC born 1790
  Berthe d.e.C,C,P,P,P born 1692 died 1767
  Berthe MarieC born 13. dec 1865
  BirgitC born 1748
  BirgitC,C,P born 1753
  BirgitS,C,C,P,P born Cir 1650 died Cir 1678
  BirgitC born 1718
  BirgitC born 1709
  BirgitC born Cir 1673
  BirgitS,S,P born Cir 1650 died Cir 1688
  BirgitC,P,P,P born Cir 1640
  BirgittaC,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1580
  Birgitte EdvardineC born 1851
  BirteC born 1762
  BirtheC born 1711 died 1771
  BirtheS,S born 1714 died 1764
  BirtheC,P,P,P,P born 1753
  BirtheS,S,C,C,C,P,P,P,P,P born 1720
  Birthe MarieS,S,S,C,P born 13. mar 1804
  Birthe SusannaC born 1753
  Birthe SusannaC born 1750
  BodilC born Cir 1672
  BolC born 1791 died 21. feb 1858
  BolS died 1705
  BorghildC,P born 1723 died 18. mar 1810
  BorghildC born 1796 died 1816
  BorghildC,C,P born 1793 died 25. feb 1861
  BorghildC born 1791
  BorghildC born 1805 died 1805
  BorghildC born 20. feb 1887
  BorgilleC,C,P,P,P,P,P born 1761 died 12. jul 1822
  BorgnyC born 1697 died Cir 1698

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